Wednesday 27 June 2018

How Can Professional UK Phone Number benefit your Business?

The business has changed the traditional attire over the years. Nowadays, you can follow different strategies for the betterment of your organization. Free UK phone number or professional UK 08 number is very popular nowadays and it can help you enhance your business in an effective way. Now you can make money whenever someone calls your business. In general, most of the non-geographic numbers like 08 are commonly linked with large organizations and professional companies and these are often identified as a revenue-generating premium rate phone numbers. If you are willing to conduct your business in an effective way we can help you get a professional UK phone number for your business.

Cost efficiency
0843 numbers are considered as the cheapest 08 UK numbers for the purpose of business calls. As other numbers are expensive you can earn increased call revenue with these numbers.
Budgeting and marketing
Professional UK phone numbers and their services can be used in different marketing campaigns. It encourages the people for more calling and you can be successful using such numbers.
Business continuity
Business calls are often affected due to the various problems on the network. However, you don’t have to face similar issues while using a professional free UK phone number. If you want to reroute the calls to other devices, you can reroute it to the mobile devices and home workers as well.
There are a lot of businesses who are availing benefits from the professional UK phone numbers from its call revenue. If you are thinking to get a professional UK phone number, it would be a wise decision and you can enhance your business easily. This is very effective and easy at the same time.
Live call recording  
If you are willing to check the improvement you can track your professional UK number and get the statistics of your business including the duration of the calls, numbers and other important services for campaigns etc. 
In general, professional UK phone numbers like 08 and 09 don’t reveal the location of your organization and you can easily contact people on the national scale which is barely possible with 02 and 01 geographical phone numbers.
Professional UK phone numbers come with added control and if you are willing, you can change the routing point anytime through its online portal. This is how you can enhance your business with the help of professional UK phone.
Westend Telecoms is a professional organization to help you get a professional free UK phone number easily.

Wednesday 13 June 2018

Premium Rate Phone Number: Why business owners in the UK need business phone numbers?

Business phone numbers are considered as revenue generating platforms that let the business owner earn some money every time anyone calls their company. Callers are charged higher than normal business phone or a premium rate phone number. Premium rate phone numbers are becoming popular amongst the businessmen as these allow help to generate revenue for customer support and cover cost of sales.
It is worthwhile to utilize all the benefits of premium rate phone numbers and revenue is a major one of them. The premium business rate numbers are linked with a wide array of advanced phone features for one’s business.  One can manage all the additional features using the online client portal. Read on to know the plethora of advantages a business gets with premium rate phone numbers.
  •  Additional revenue: The foremost advantage is that premium rate phone numbers lets the business earn better revenues.
  • Live reporting: Live call reporting is an important part of the premium campaign.  Business owners can access vital data like the numbers of calls, site-using by customers and duration of interaction with the live call reporting feature. In addition, this feature allows one to gauge the effectiveness of the business numbers.
  • Greater trustworthiness: With the business phone numbers, your business gets a more professional look and customers are able to trust you better. Moreover, the business numbers allow your group to operate both nationally as well as internationally. Budgeting and marketing: The premium rate phone numbers can be considered as a unique marketing campaign. These encourage a higher number of people to give a call to your business. This leads to an increase in the business revenue.
When you choose premium phone rate number in the UK, it allows the people looking for services to connect with you. Various small and medium scale businesses have benefited by the use of premium phone rate numbers. 

Whenever you are looking forward to business phone for your company, you should consult a reputable telecoms adviser for the same. Getting out-of-the-box solutions for suiting the exact need for your business can make a great difference.
Please visit West End Telecoms to know more about how business owner in the UK can make the most of the use of a premium rate phone number.

Monday 11 June 2018

Tips to buy Premium rate SMS number

In this modern era, most of the people like to use premium rate services to advertise and promote their business, to spread information, to get the benefits of entertainment services, etc. A premium service that is used by government agencies or companies to establish a connection with the people looking for some information is known as Premium rate SMS number. 
Premium rate SMS numbers allow a wide range of industries to generate large volumes of mobile originated SMS from their subscribers such as media channels, advertising agencies, wireless application service providers, mobile infrastructure providers etc. There are many advantages of using premium rate services. 

In this blog, we will describe some important facts that you should familiar with before buying premium rate SMS numbers. 


Tips to buy Premium rate SMS numbers  

Follow the below listed tips to buy the best Premium rate SMS number :
1.Check for API- It is necessary to select a functional and well-documented API to send and receive messages in bulk. An API contains a set of protocols that allow two systems to communicate with each other. So for quick processing, choosing the best API is necessity.

2.Check your mobile - Before selecting a premium SMS service, check the configuration of your smart phone. Must check whether the hand set you are using is capable to receive and send premium text services or not.

3.Recognize an SMS number carefully - The premium rate text messages are basically 4 or 5 digit short codes beginning with a number or a digit that totally depends on the type of information you want to deliver to your customers. Therefore, recognize a number from short codes.  

4.Cost- Premium services are very expensive to use. Must check for operation cost, price per SMS and bulk prices of various premium services. Compare the prices of various telecom companies to choose an affordable  one.  

In these days, a premium rate SMS number is a major source to earn money and generate revenue for small as well as large businesses. If you want to hire a company to get the benefits of premium services, then it is advisable to get in touch with West End Telecoms. For more information, visit their website at            

Wednesday 16 May 2018

Buy International Premium Rate Number: Earn profit from your customer calls

One can buy International Premium Rate Number (IPRN) for adding value to your products and services while generating revenue from the sale. The telecom industry is greatly developed in Western European countries and the US, but in certain other areas across the globe like some countries of Asia, Africa the Middle East, there are no domestic premium rate numbers. Therefore, the use of International Premium Rate Numbers is highly preferable.

IPRV wholesale calls: Some important consideration 

The IPRN access is imperative for getting access for the purpose of calling on the international premium rate numbers. The availability of this access is dependent on the interconnectivity of the various telecom providers across the globe.

A wider list of premium number terminations pertains to higher accessibility. The routes between various telecom providers keep on changing. One who does not have accessibility today may have it tomorrow. Hence, a constant checking is required.

The financial model of the internal premium rate numbers calls 

The end user gets billed as one the plan offered by his or provider for making the international call. The owners of the numbers get a commission out of the amount and other is shared by the telecom provider. The greater the amount of the traffic, the better is the rate offered in the plan or the packages given to you.

Traffic security considerations 

Traffic security the telecom carriers and the constant improvements in the traffic security help in the anti-fraud improvements. The providers would set limits on the numbers of requests that the customers and the telecom carriers can make. This helps in distinguishing the good traffic from the bad one. It helps to secure the payment of the calls and protects one from incurring losses.

Routing of calls 

Your wholesale calls providers would also have the capacity for withstanding fluctuations in the telecom industry and provide you with the routing options. The SIP routing allows one to receive the calls directly on one’s telephone without the requirement of changing the server.

The wholesale call provider should possess a top class technological platform for call routing, call management and actual termination. The use of an effective Interactive Voice Response with DTMF tones through keypad is employed.
One can get a great source of income while improving the branding of your services with such solutions from the wholesale telecom industry. You can know more on the various ways you can benefit to buy international premium rate number by visiting West End Telecoms.

Monday 23 April 2018

How to Save Money with International Premium Rate Numbers?

International premium rate numbers are telephone line numbers in a country that are more expensive to the callers who are charged through the monthly phone bill or credit on the mobile phone. The cost of the international premium rate numbers tends to be greater than the normal text message or a normal call.
Various kinds of premium rate numbers
There are different types of premium rate numbers. Many of the premium rate numbers begin with 118, 09, 0871, 0872 and 0873. Read on to know the scope and benefits of the different kinds of premium rate numbers.
118- Directory enquiries: Numbers that begin with 118 are used for directory enquiry services. In many cases, the calls place a cost to make connection varying between 50 pence to £4. It is followed by per minute charge for every following minute.
Short text message numbers: The mobile text numbers are five or six digit numbers that may begin either with 5, 6, 7 or 8. These numbers are generally utilised for paying for donating to charities, for entering competitions, latest features in apps or for downloading ringtones or games.
09 numbers: These numbers are mostly used for competitions, horoscopes, TV voting, chat lines, professional service lines and adult lines. These numbers generally cost in between 50 pence and £2.50 for one minute from mobiles and 9 pence to £1.69 for each minute from BT landline.
070 numbers: These numbers look like ordinary mobile numbers but tend to be more expensive. These numbers are used to divert calls to another number. The numbers are used by small businesses and traders for avoiding giving their personal numbers.
Making money from international premium rate numbers
When any caller calls you on your premium rate number, the cost of the call is charged to the caller’s bill. The charges are shared between the BT network operator, the service provider and you- who owns the number. The owner of the number gets the revenue share for operating the line. Money is earned on every incoming call and more amounts are earned if the user stays longer on the line.
You can use an international premium rate number for a service that most customers would like to use. You can also use the numbers for all the cold callers and use their calls to make some savings!
You can know more about the monetary benefits of having international premium rate numbers by visiting West End Telecoms.

Wednesday 11 April 2018

International Premium Phone Numbers- Earn From Incoming Calls!

The international premium phone numbers let you charge your customers for the services you provide them on phone. These numbers let you implement a completely new model for your business where you can charge the customers per minute or per call. 

The international premium phone numbers are the tools that you can use to offer commercial services via phone or to filter the free-ride callers. You can use the local premium rate numbers for all the different countries and then, can use them in the overseas local markets to provide offers to your customers. It not only helps you in reaching your customers effectively, but also allows you to enter the new markets at lower costs.

How do premium rate numbers work?
When you contact an international premium phone number provider, you will be assigned a number on the basis of the countries. Then calls made by your customers from the different countries will be canalized to your staff, no matter where they are based. It will give you a steady flow of revenue. 

Who needs the premium rate phone numbers?
All those businesses which are involved in offering premium rate services, like radio games, gambling, adult content, TV shows, TV games and more, can gain benefit from the premium rate numbers. Depending on your requirements, you can get a ready-made number services (such as Interactive Voice Response solution) that suit your business needs or you can get the premium rate IVR customized as per your business strategy. 

You should always look for the international premium rate services that would provide you user-friendly numbers. There are the international premium rate services that allow you to create sub-accounts for your clients and offer them a personalized experience. 

Where to get international premium rate numbers?
If you are looking for the international premium phone number provider, you must contact the West End Telecoms Ltd. They can provide you the premium rate numbers that are competitive in the industry and will help you build stronger relationships with your clients. Rest remain assured to get paid on time.

Wednesday 4 April 2018

Things to Remember Before Buying a Premium rate SMS phone number

In these days, most of the people use premium rate services to obtain and spread the information, to promote their business, to get the advantage of entertainment services and to make money. These are the value added services provided over a public telecommunication network.

A premium rate SMS phone number is a premium service used by companies or government agencies to establish a connection with the people looking for information. Today, people don’t have proper knowledge about the advantages of using premium phone numbers and they don’t know how to buy and use it.
In this blog, we will describe some important things that you should remember before buying a premium rate SMS phone number. 

Things to remember before buying an SMS phone number  
 1. How to recognize a premium rate SMS number?  
The premium rate text messages are basically 4 or 5 digit short codes beginning with a number or a digit that totally depends on the type of service or information you want to deliver to your customers.  
2.Cost- One of the most important aspect of choosing a premium rate number is its cost. Premium rate phone numbers are very expensive to use. So, one must check the price per SMS, operation cost and bulk prices of various premium services.
3.Select a proper API- Application Programming interface consists of a set of protocols that allow two systems to communicate with each other. So to send and receive text messages in a bulk, select a functional and well documented API.
4.Check your handset- Before selecting an SMS service, must check whether the smart phone or handset you are using is able to receive and send premium text services or not. 

So these are the things that will help you to buy a premium rate SMS phone numbers. Nowdays, people are using premium SMS phone number as a revenue generating phone number to promote their business and to earn money. If you are searching for a company that can provide you a premium rate SMS phone number, then visit the website of West End Telecoms. 
West End Telecoms has over 30 years of experience in telecommunications and provide premium rate services to their clients at affordable prices.